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Immediately after getting tattooed there may be tenderness, redness, bleeding, swelling, or bruising of the area. Your tattoo will be reasonably healed after 10 to 14 days (all the scabs have fallen off, there is no more flaking, and the skin is shiny), but it won't be completely healed for several weeks (the shininess has gone away). During the healing process it is important that you follow these instructions to avoid potential scarring and premature ink loss.

Remember the three S's

No Soaking!

Showers are fine. It's ok to get it wet and keep it clean, but do not submerge the tattoo. This means no baths, hot tubs, swimming pools, oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, etc.

No Scratching!

Do not pick, scratch, or shave the tattoo. Let any scabs fall off on their own, and if it itches lightly smack it to relieve the itch.

Don't be a scab picker!

No Sun!

Sun damage during the healing process will cause scarring! For the first two weeks, keep it covered. After it is reasonably healed apply SPF 15 or better sunscreen to prevent fading.

  • If you have received a self adhesive clear membrane style bandage, like Saniderm, leave the bandage on for 48 to 72 hours.

  • If you have recieved an absorbant pad and plastic wrap style bandage leave the bandage on for at least three hours. If you have pets who sleep with you, like I do, it is advisable to leave the bandage on overnight.

  • Carefully remove the bandage with clean hands. Gently clean the tattoo with warm water and a mild antibacterial soap, Dr. Bronner's Baby Soap is highly recommended, using only your hand remove any particles of blood, ink, ointment, or residual adhesive.

  • Pat dry with a clean towel, or use a paper towel. Allow to air dry completely before applying lotion. 

  • Keep your tattoo clean, wash it at least once a day throughout the healing process, use fresh clean sheets, wear clean clothing that wont rub on the tattoo, etc.

  • Your body will heal much faster if you are well hydrated and well rested. Drink plenty of water and get an adequate amount of sleep throughout the healing process.

  • For the first few days products like Aquaphor and A&D ointment are fine to use, once it starts to become scaly, flaky, itchy, etc. switch to  a fragrance free lotion like Lubriderm, Aveeno, Cetaphil, etc.

  • Although rare, infections can occur. Typically these are surface infections that are easily treated with antibacterial soap and antibiotic ointment. Redness, abnormal discharge, heat emanating from the tattoo, and fever are all signs of infection.

  • Allergic reactions are very rare and are most likely due to ointments, lotions, or other environmental factors, rather than the tattoo pigment. Excessive redness, bumps, or rashes are some signs of allergic sensitivity.

  • You are encouraged to call or visit the studio if you have any questions or concerns. We are always happy to help!


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